
Big boxes, little boxes

Yesterday we went to pick up boxes that we had ordered the "Box Factory" where artisans are making it. We were very happy because the boxes were very nice and well crafted.

Already on the way to the car my husband tells me: Look, an old trunk. And it was there, with its locks, its wooden ribs, its metal reinforcement corners. The only thing missing was leather handles on both sides. They were cut for unknown reasons.



Yesterday in a Chinese shop that is close to my work I found these beads and, of course, can´t abstain. The colors are nice and the beads I've always liked a lot, so I bought a few sets.

It seems me that at least two types of beads in each box will fade the coulor after his first encounter with water or after a while in the sun. But I just won´t use them. The price of Chinese is nice enough so that one can afford such luxuries.

These beads I won´t  use in any knitting project . To that end I buy half a kilo in Pontejos and the beads which are also larger. With these I want to embroider. Or make a brooches like my  Latvian sisters of needle. Their work is fantastic. You can see them here and here too.


The postman always rings twice. Magazines

Magazin Spin Off
This week the postman brought me the Spinners' magazine Spin OffIt is full of interesting articles and enticing advertising. When I see this type of magazine I get, as we say in Latvian, a white envy  of the U.S. craftmen. They have it all. And with it I think not only the thing to buy, most of all those things we could get also living in Spain, but to continue that tradition - spinning, weaving, sewing, embroidery ...

By the way, looking at Wikipedia I found that spin off "is a Saxon word that refers to a project created as an extension of an earlier [..]." Sounds promising, right?


2nd Knitting Workshop

Last night we met at the usual place for the 2nd Knitting Workshop. Apart from the initiators, Ana, Teresa and Marie - this time also came Elsa and Aurora. We talked and knited and our good mood could not spoil even the unhappy and tiring waiter that we had this time.

With this workshop I understand that the lace is not as easy and simple as I have believed all my life, that there are people to knit something like that costs more concentration and effort. Knowing it I had not begun with so difficult design , but done is done, I think slowly, slowly we will reach the goal.

I am delighted to share my knowledge and I think organize another knitting workshop in the fall. We could learn patchwork, knitting Latvian mittens,  Turk's socks, some lace...